
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Italy’s Mediobanca Equity Sell-off and Privatization Spark Renaissance in Corporate Governance

Author: David Schwartz J.D. CPA

The Economist reports that Mediobanca, an Italian investment bank formed in 1946 assist in the reconstruction of Italian industry, has commenced a planned sell-off of $2.2 billion in equity holdings as part of an effort to refocus the firm on its core mission of providing medium-term financing in the Italian sector.  Mediobanca’s sales of these shares as part of its unwinding of webs of cross-shareholdings and pacts among big shareholders, as well as the privatization of Fincantieri and Poste Itliane, have released large volumes of shares on to the markets, allowing institutional and other investors to add them to their portfolios.  This sudden flow of Italian equities in to the hands of new investors has, it seems, increased participation in corporate governance.

The shift seems already to be affecting corporate governance. Attendance and participation at shareholder meetings have increased. The recent vote on a poorly drafted ethics clause put forward by the government at various partly state-owned firms illustrates the difference such shareholders make. At Eni, Finmeccanica and Terna, which have lots of institutional shareholders, the clause, which seemed to muddy the treatment of managers charged with financial crimes, was voted down. However at Enel, the former electricity monopoly, which has fewer institutional investors, it was approved.

In the hands of new investors, these equities that were previously locked up in voting trusts or held by the government seem to have fueled a renewed interest in participation in the governance of Italian firms.


Journal Commentaries


Keep Regulation Functional (October 2008)

CSFME’s Executive Director Ed Blount interviews SEC Chairman Chris Cox.
American Banking Association Banking Journal


The Bear Market Posse, or Counterparty Risk Management during the Recent Turmoil (Sept.  2008)

by Ed Blount
The RMA Journal, v91n1, 28-32, 5 pages Sep 2008.


Searching for New Paradigms at BIS (July 2008)

by Ed Blount
Unexpected deficiencies in bank capital after recent market turmoil has regulators rethinking aspects of Basel II and “value at risk.”  
American Banking Association Banking Journal


Will Basel II Affect The Competitive Landscape? (September 2003)

By Ed Blount
Newly elected Basel Committee Chairman Caruana, Governor of the Bank of Spain, gives his views on the revised Basel capital accord, relative to its potential effects on competition and risk management in banking markets.
American Banking Association Banking Journal​