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CSFME logo in white. Commentary

Journal Commentaries

Keep Regulation Functional (October 2008)

CSFME’s Executive Director Ed Blount interviews SEC Chairman Chris Cox.
American Banking Association Banking Journal

The Bear Market Posse, or Counterparty Risk Management during the Recent Turmoil (Sept. 2008)

by Ed Blount
The RMA Journal, v91n1, 28-32, 5 pages Sep 2008.

Searching for New Paradigms at BIS (July 2008)

by Ed Blount
Unexpected deficiencies in bank capital after recent market turmoil has regulators rethinking aspects of Basel II and “value at risk.”
American Banking Association Banking Journal

Will Basel II Affect The Competitive Landscape? (September 2003)

By Ed Blount
Newly elected Basel Committee Chairman Caruana, Governor of the Bank of Spain, gives his views on the revised Basel capital accord, relative to its potential effects on competition and risk management in banking markets.
American Banking Association Banking Journal

CSFME Commentaries

Controversial OFR Report Yields Some Valuable Findings

The September 2013 Office of Financial Research (OFR) report entitled “Asset Management and Financial Stability” attempts to present a critical analysis of how asset management firms and the activities in which they engage can introduce vulnerabilities that could pose, amplify, or transmit threats to financial stability.

Are Institutional Investors Voting Proxies with the Correct Mindset?

The federal government is not now and has never been in the business of telling you how you should vote your proxies. But it seems that through regulatory creep, the government may have indirectly given the power to tell investors how to vote their proxies to someone else entirely. Regulating disclosures and mechanics by which we vote proxies is plainly within the scope of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s mission.

With Power Comes Responsibility. Institutional Investors’ Role In Corporate Governance.

Over the past sixty years, as more and more people in the US have begun to participate in the capital markets through retirement plans, mutual funds, ETFs and other pooled investment vehicles, institutional investors have grown from bit players in the markets, owning about 5% of US equities prior to 1945, to being major players today, owning greater than 67% of US equities. This growth in the proportion of assets managed by institutional investors has also been accompanied by a dramatic growth over the same period in the market capitalization of US listed companies.

Repo is Far from “Unregulated”

Repo is very much in the news lately, even coming up on the radar screen of the New York Times’ Gretchen Morgenson. Morgenson penned an article in the Times’ September 14, 2013 issue, After a Financial Flood, Pipes Are Still Broken, in which she worries that despite new rules on derivatives, the repo market remains largely unregulated.