In a web based meeting today, CSFME’s Executive Director Ed Blount and Senior Policy Analyst David Schwartz met with a group of Fordham University’s graduate and undergraduate business students to invite them to participate in the real world of regulatory policy. The focus of this meeting was the Financial Stability Board’s recent proposal regarding the “Assessment Methodologies for Identifying Non-Bank Non-Insurer Global SIFIs.” After a brief discussion of some of the goals of the FSB’s proposal and some the most provocative issues raised by the consultative document, Messrs. Blount and Schwartz challenged the students to research and formulate their own positions on the consultative document with an eye on submitting formal comment letters to the FSB.
This web-based meeting was part of CSFME’s Regulatory Outreach for Student Education (ROSE) program designed to give college students studying business and economics the opportunity to meet financial policy makers and regulators, and experience some practical application of what they are learning in their classes. This virtual meeting prefaces three upcoming real life excursions to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on March 20, a meeting with officials from the Investment Company Institute at Fordham’s Lincoln Center facility on March 24, and a round robin tour of regulators and policy makers in Washington, DC on April 16. No doubt the FSB’s proposed non-bank SIFI framework will be high on the list of topics covered at each of those events.
CSFME recorded the March 13 virtual meeting, which can be viewed below. The powerpoint presentation used during the meeting is available via this link. For more information about the ROSE program visit the Center’s Outreach page. Please contact us if your university would like to participate in the ROSE program or if your agency would like to host a meeting for students.
CSFME ROSE Webinar. FSB Consultative Document. March 13, 2014