On May 16, 2016, Fordham students participating in the Center’s Regulatory Outreach for Student Education (ROSE) Program submitted their winning comment letter on the Basel Committee’s December 17, 2015 consultation, “Identification and Measurement of Step-in Risk.”
Five teams of Fordham economics, finance, accounting, and law students participating in the ROSE Program researched and drafted comment letters, which were then submitted for judging by a panel of industry experts. The letters were then submitted to the Basel Committee on Fordham letterhead.
The ROSE Program brings together students from across the university to study our financial system, how it affects society, and, specifically, current issues in financial regulation. This year’s groups included both graduate and undergraduate suduents bringing a diverse range of perspectives and skills to the task. The consultative document, with its breadth and depth, offered an excellent opportunity for them to comment.