
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Basel III Implementation Progress Report

Author: David Schwartz J.D. CPA David Schwartz J.D. CPA

On October 18, the Basel Committee issued a report documenting Basel Committee members' progress in adopting Basel II, Basel 2.5 and Basel III as of September 2011.  The report provides a high level summary of the the status of domestic legislative and rule-making intended to incorporate the Committee's capital standards into national law or regulation according to the internationally agreed time frames.

This progress report is part of the comprehensive framework it has adopoted to monitor and review its members’ implementation of the Basel capital guidelines.  Although this report does not examine the content of domestic rules and regulations, future progress reports will review the consistency of members' national rules or regulations with the international minimum standard to identify differences that could raise prudential or level playing field concerns.

The report reflects fairly complete adoption of Basel II standards, with few outliers having yet to implement these standards.  Basel 2.5 implementation is more mixed, and Basel III implementation is understandably in early stages in most member countries.  

The complete report may be found at:

Journal Commentaries


Keep Regulation Functional (October 2008)

CSFME’s Executive Director Ed Blount interviews SEC Chairman Chris Cox.
American Banking Association Banking Journal


The Bear Market Posse, or Counterparty Risk Management during the Recent Turmoil (Sept.  2008)

by Ed Blount
The RMA Journal, v91n1, 28-32, 5 pages Sep 2008.


Searching for New Paradigms at BIS (July 2008)

by Ed Blount
Unexpected deficiencies in bank capital after recent market turmoil has regulators rethinking aspects of Basel II and “value at risk.”  
American Banking Association Banking Journal


Will Basel II Affect The Competitive Landscape? (September 2003)

By Ed Blount
Newly elected Basel Committee Chairman Caruana, Governor of the Bank of Spain, gives his views on the revised Basel capital accord, relative to its potential effects on competition and risk management in banking markets.
American Banking Association Banking Journal​