Outreach Blog

Sunday, February 12, 2017

For the Want of a Nail … the Details of Regulatory Reform


Author: David Schwartz J.D. CPA

To look for the effect of new rules on banks, regulators rely on academic models that treat banks as aggregates. In truth, global banks are collections of service businesses, not simply larger versions of George Bailey’s 1946 community lender. Missing that fact may be one reason why the list of unintended consequences from regulatory reform is growing. Critics in the U.S., without anticipating a challenge, are calling for the repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act. But expecting repeal is a dangerous strategy for bankers.


  • There’s no certainty that Congress will repeal Dodd-Frank … even consensus revisions will require solid, empirical justification. The anti-bank narrative has been planted too deeply in the electorate.


There is much that can be accepted as good in the regulatory reforms. Even the more challenging rules have resulted in innovations that improve the banks’ business models. Pressed by their capital ratios, resourceful bankers have reacted by improving their ability to interact with customers. Still, those businesses might not be able to justify their cost of capital.  Only time will tell.


  • The analytic oversight that overlooks the import of bank services also misses key benefits of regulation.


As the review process gets underway, one legislative challenge will be to save the good while rejecting the bad. Toward that end, it’s expected that the Financial CHOICE Act will soon be proposed in Congress, opening the next phase of the eight-year, post-crisis debate on Financial Regulatory Reform.




Each business within a global bank must clear a hurdle rate of return on equity (ROE). In the United States, regulatory reforms are adding capital requirements that force senior bankers to pick and choose among their business lines based on ROE. The losers are shut down and the staff reassigned or released.


Consider this:


Bankers provide many low margin services as accommodations for customers. They do this to cement the business relationship. Under the new rules, there’s not enough return on certain services to justify the capital required, even though the overall customer relationship may be quite profitable. Many bankers are in a quandary, believing that their banks can’t be competitive without a full range of services. But regulations are making that very difficult.


  • The new equilibrium point offers less security for many, perhaps even most stakeholders – and voters.


Securities services for institutional investors can be used to illustrate the point. These information technology (IT) services help stabilize markets and facilitate trading liquidity that adds depth to pricing. One service line that has been damaged by the Dodd-Frank regulations is that of agency securities lending for institutional investors.


Agent banks offer securities lending services as a way of generating extra portfolio income for themselves and their institutional customers. Securities lending helps protect the pension income for thousands of teachers, plumbers, and other retirees. For the borrowers, securities lending makes possible the arbitrage strategies of traders. Relationships with banks’ agent lending divisions improve the borrowing broker-dealers' access to collateral and credit, among other benefits.[1] Ultimately, market prices are kept in balance, lowering risks for all investors. All good, except that the Dodd-Frank-empowered regulations threaten to shut down those service lines that don’t generate enough income to justify their capital charges.


Since the passage of Dodd-Frank in 2010, the collective resources of banks have been devoted to coping with new rules. Many of these have been formulated by the Basel Committee and the Financial Stability Board. Yet, even as banking has moved ahead to comply, evidence is mounting that at least some of the new rules are harming, more so than helping the economy.


  • There is no longer any serious debate that the new regulations have reduced market liquidity. Now pricing depth may also be undercut.


Industry studies have computed a reduction in liquidity in the short-term funding markets and attributed that to the effects of the net stable funding ratio, the liquidity coverage ratio, the leverage ratios and/or the Volcker Rule. Even regulators have acknowledged these unintended consequences.[2] Meanwhile, politicians have lamented that U.S. banks are not lending the vast funds being injected into them by the Fed’s quantitative easing program.  


  • No one expected that by lowering banking risks, the new capital rules would increase market risks. But that will happen if lenders withdraw from the securities finance markets. The stability that these institutions provide to the market will be lost. Risks to markets will rise, even as risks to banks fall.


New capital requirements are threatening the economics of indemnification that agents offer institutional lenders against borrower default. The new capital rules eliminate the default indemnification. It’s far too expensive for banks to reserve capital against the risk, per the new rules, even when the loan is over-collateralized. So banks won’t offer the protection. And, without it, many lenders must withdraw their portfolios from the lendable pool.


  • Agent bankers believe that the supply of lendable securities will contract by 20% to 50% within five years.


In part, that’s because some lenders are required by local law to lend only with indemnification. Beyond that, the income from lending may not be seen as sufficient for lenders to devote the level of management attention that would be needed to justify the extra costs of lending. That’s one challenge for banks: offer services that support the due diligence duties of lenders and, at the same time, make it easier for borrowers to manage their own risks.


Borrowers bear an exposure to their lenders because of the loan’s over-collateralization. They deposit collateral as much as 5% over the value of the trade. Usually, that’s provided in cash or high-quality liquid assets. The risk weighting of the exposure to the lender varies with, among other factors, the credit rating of the lender. Since risk-weighted capital charges would be higher, the borrowers prefer not to deal with “risky” lenders. (That said, if the lendable quality of the securities that the fund commits is appealing enough, then borrowers will usually find a way to manage the costs.)


  • Without a compliant work-around to the regulations, lenders considered unworthy will be cast from the market.


Pension funds known to be without enough assets to meet future obligations – and there are many -- will have to explain to prospective borrowers why a relationship would be worthwhile. To the borrower, there would have to be enough profit to justify the cost of extra capital needed to be held against the risk of that fund’s inability to refund the over-collateralization in a crisis.  It will be a hard sell for the fund’s managers  – and its agents.




Given the growing negative publicity about regulatory reforms, one might ask, have there had been any benefits? Or, is it all just misdirected interference with the market, as some critics allege?


That’s a big question. The effect of the new rules is hugely important to professionals in the securities finance business. Their careers depend on building profits, in part, by adapting their services to changes in their marketplace. Within the securities finance market, the practical effect of the new rules was a topic much discussed at the February 2017 meeting of securities financiers run by the Information Management Network (IMN).


"Lenders are unaware that borrowers are assigning a risk metric to lenders. If you are an under-funded pension system, you might not be that attractive [to counterparties]. It's up to us as agent lenders to get our borrowers comfortable with our lenders," said Tim Smollen, global head of agency securities lending at Deutsche Bank in New York City.


There was tacit agreement among bankers at the IMN conference that there have been benefits to the new regulations. For example, new rules encouraging central clearing of derivatives allow the monitoring of accumulated debits among swap dealers and their customers. That’s generally considered a positive. No one wants a repeat of the experience in 2008 when the hidden exposures of AIG’s derivative positions threatened to topple the capital markets.  


  • Creation of the new legal entity indicator (LEI) is intended to make a "single point of entry" for resolving cross-border bankruptcies. That's a good step, most bankers agree.


During the crisis, the largest broker-dealers merged with banks or became banks themselves. As a result, broker-dealers became subject to the banks' new capital rules. But those rules don't always fit the way brokers operate. For instance, holding cash was once considered the safest collateral. Now it's charged against a broker-dealer's net stable funding ratio. Just as the banks don’t want the indemnified assets ramping up their leverage ratios, their dealer subsidiaries don’t want the short term loans charged against their net stable funding ratios.


  • There are paradoxes in the regulations: It’s costlier for a broker to post a short-term loan, even to a well-known, repeat customer. Unlike long-term loans, there’s no capital relief for long-term relationships.


Relationships remain central to successful banking services. And, for that account, rules to improve market transparency and other developments are allowing agent banks to develop ties with related profit centers in their larger customers.


"We're developing relations with portfolio managers," said Mr. Smollen. In part, the banks’ research makes that possible, since investors are always hungry for alternate views on market conditions. The banks use the new working relationships to help keep securities lending from interfering with their customers’ portfolio strategies.


  • Instead of contracting, the cross-linkages among financial firms may be growing wider and deeper.


More servicing linkages among bankers and customers raise the possibility that the servicing agent may actually become a "control person" with indirect liability if a customer’s actions injure its own customers. New contract terms are helping to control that risk, but there’s been no court test yet.


Extension of the relationship is important for agent banks partly because the presence of the Federal Reserve in the short-term funding markets has shifted business that might otherwise go to the banks.


  • Crowding out: The New York Fed’s System Open Market Account (SOMA) held $4.2 trillion in securities as of year-end 2016. The reverse repurchase agreement (RRP) program of SOMA distributes those securities as loans to the Fed's primary dealers.


"Borrowers have access to the Fed, and we don't," said Mike Saunders, head U.S. trader at BNP Paribas in New York City. As a result, he said, borrowers have shifted some of their borrowing demand from the agent banks to the Fed. "Our solution is to do both sides with the same counterparty – so long as it fits the guidelines. Lenders can also expand their counterparties by accepting non-cash collateral.”


The non-cash pricing differential can be 8 to 10 basis points over cash collateral for the same position. According to recent data from FIS ASTEC Analytics, the average lender can make 10 basis points overall on its lendable assets. Therefore, the acceptance of non-cash collateral can double the fund's annual return. That collateral flexibility can also be applied to exchanges of high-quality liquid assets for other non-cash, generating additional fees for the collateral upgrades.


"With proper margins and haircuts, sovereign wealth funds will do collateral upgrades,” said Mr. Saunders. “We are seeing a great deal of volume."


  • Guidelines control the flexibility of collateralized transactions because the beneficial owner customers may put a cap on the duration or term of loans, as well as the criteria for eligible borrowers. 


Those who fear that more transparency between financial firms could result in price-fixing or other antitrust behavior can take comfort in an observation from Craig Starble, CEO of eSecLending, a Boston-based fintech firm: "We get a variety of bids for the same portfolio. If it’s a fixed income or equity allocation we will get different prices.” The portfolio’s composition is important, as is its collateral requirements. “We have to show the benefit to accept non-cash collateral, on a price-capacity basis."


  • Borrowers are being driven by regulations to seek lenders who will extend their loan terms and accept non-cash collateral. 


"There are now some deals where, if you won't take non-cash, [borrowers] won't deal with you," Mr. Smollen told the IMN audience of institutional securities lenders. "We are reengineering our systems to handle non-cash collateral and complex transactions."




Agent bank systems in the United States were designed to handle overnight loans and cash collateral. As a result, term loans and non-cash collateral require costly system enhancements, especially if illiquid securities and exotic instruments are acceptable as collateral.


  • Extension of the networks and willingness to accept non-cash collateral has placed new demands on the banks’ information technology. Coincident is the rising demand generated by regulators for additional data.


“Our biggest problem is the quality of the data,” said a Treasury Department official at the IMN conference. The banks generate data for regulatory requests from the same systems used to process transactions and reconcile the books of the banks. The format is dictated by the banks’ commercial needs, not anticipated regulatory demands.


  • Increasing customer expectations and improved transparency forces the banks’ information technology to handle investments in illiquid investments, such as private equity and hedge funds.


To support the due diligence responsibilities of customers, bankers are reaching out to the compliance departments of their customers to help improve their service and counterparty profiles.



[1] Research shows that traders who sell shares “short,” i.e., without owning the position, help markets to avoid runaway pricing bubbles. Traders also borrow securities to avoid delivery fails from short sales, thereby lowering operational risks for all investors.


[2] See e.g., Fed Report Finds Regulation Harming Repo Markets and Liquidity and Fed Finds Serious Liquidity Flaw in the Volcker Rule


The CSFME’s Regulatory Outreach Programs

Regulatory reform has become a collaborative process. Where once market supervisors promulgated rules without regard for input from practitioners, today’s reform process has evolved into a dialogue of mutual respect for the opinions of all stakeholders in the capital markets. The process of regulatory outreach has become embodied in virtually every developed markets in the world.

The CSFME has adopted a role of facilitating this collaborative dialogue at all stages of the professional contribution process. Starting with students’ contributions to published commentary letters, through panel presentation and webinars, right up to trade association initiatives, the CSFME provides assistance through education, data compilation, analysis and commentary for some of the most pressing issues in contemporary markets.

DLT and Preferred Securities Financing

We believe the widespread use of encrypted third-party ledgers, blockchains, and smart contracts (i.e., DLT) is inevitable in securities finance, and that those technologies will permit lending agents to offer new revenue opportunities to their clients. Among these, we believe that certain agents will use DLT to help their lenders expand their loan books by opening their lendable portfolios on a preferential basis to the hedge funds in which they've already invested, as well as to other trusted counterparties, a concept we have dubbed, “Preferred Securities Financing.”  

CSFME is openly soliciting participation in a research initiative to assess the potential benefits to securities lenders from the use of DLT and data sourced from new regulatory disclosures. Specifically, our research will focus on how DLT, blockchain, and smart contracts can facilitate Preferred Securities Financing.  Learn More about our DLT Securities Finance Initiative

Research and Analysis of the Effects of Financial Regulatory Reforms

Given the sweeping changes in financial market regulation following the financial crisis, CSFME has turned its focus to questions relating to to how these changes are affecting the risks and economics of bank activities. The purpose of the Center’s research in this area is to foster sound policymaking and effective regulation with minimal adverse and unintended consequences. CSFME studies supervision and regulation of global financial institutions, the effects of reregulation on the global financial industry, optimal roles and methods of regulation in securities markets, corporate governance at financial institutions, and the most effective metrics and methods of data collection for understanding and measuring the effects of regulations on the global financial landscape. 

Lately, in response to a call from the FDIC for research on financial sector policy and regulation, the Center submitted a paper modeling the indirect costs to markets of bank regulatory reform.  The paper critiques regulators’ models for assessing these costs, and provides empirically-based suggestions for a more complete dynamic model of the long-term effect of bank capital reform.  Mindful of the Basel Committee's ongoing reviews of modeling tools, i.e., May 2012 and March 2016, the Center's critique is intended as a constructive addition to the holistic conceptual base of the regulatory reforms.

The Center also continues to provide input on regulatory proposals.

In March of 2016, CSFME submitted a comment letter to the Bank for International Settlement's (BIS) December 2015 consultative document regarding step in risk.  While supporting generally the goals of the Basel Committee to minimize the potential systemic implications resulting from situations where banks may choose to provide financial support during periods of financial stress to entities beyond or in the absence of any contractual obligations, the Center expressed some concerns and offered some suggestions regarding the approach taken by the Consultation. Drawing on practical experience, the Center offered an example from the trade finance sector supporting its belief that the nature of step-in risk may be one example of an acceptable, non-diversifiable exposure, given the potential positives for the economy at large.

In February 2015, CSFME submitted a comment letter in response to the Financial Stability Board’s November 2014 consultative document, Standards and Processes for Global Securities Financing Data Collection and Aggregation. In its letter, the Center identified additional metrics that may be necessary to assess properly the risk of collateral fire sales associated with securities lending transactions.  In particular, CSFME asserted that FSB and sovereign regulators must expand the data initiative beyond position aggregates, to include risk mitigation resources as well as termination activity.

Students Learn to Evaluate and Contribute to the Reform Process

As the level of intensity surrounding the reform process continued to build in 2013, the CSFME began to bring a fresh perspective to the reform process. By working with finance students and the US regulatory agencies, CSFME hoped to challenge the settled views of stakeholder by introducing the views of those whose careers would be shaped by the outcome of the reforms.

In the spring of 2013, a select group of Fordham University economics students met in Washington with officials at the U.S. Treasury, Office of Management and Budget, Federal Reserve Board, and the Securities and Exchange Commission. The CSFME helped arrange the meetings and funded the logistics. By all accounts, the experience was very positive for students and regulators alike.

Buidling upon the success of the 2013 pilot program, in 2014, both Fordham and the CSFME decided to expand the outreach program and formalized the Regulatory Outreach for Student Education program as the ROSE program. Honor students in finance and economics were selected by the deans of four schools within the university: the Graduate School of Business Administration, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, the Gabelli School of Business, and Fordham College at Rose Hill. The students were organized into four teams representing their schools. The CSFME selected a contemporary issue of career significance, the Financial Stability Board’s Consultative Document on G-SIFI designation of non-bank, non-insurer financial institutions. Each team was charged with studying the issues in debate, then presenting their opinions in the manner of a formal comment letter to the FSB. Over four months, the students reviewed earlier opinion pieces, met with practitioners and regulators, and then submitted their opinions. Without influencing their opinions, the CSFME arranged access to research materials and opinion leaders, then reviewed their letters and, as appropriate, recommended submission on university letterhead. In April, 2014, the four teams’ letters were published by the FSB on its website. In recent memory, no university had ever had one letter, much less four, published on a regulatory website. To finalize the 2014 ROSE program, the CSFME arranged for all four teams to present their opinions to the key regulators at the Federal Reserve Board and the SEC in Washington, D.C. The day of meetings ended with regulators’ praise at the degree to which the students had understood the issues and presented their opinions clearly.

One student team even offered suggestions that regulators had not previously considered and praised for their creativity. “We always know what the trade groups will say, but you brought a fresh perspective.” That team, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, was awarded the 2014 ROSE Award for Analytic Excellence. In retrospect. each student completed the program with a credit that will not only endure on their resumes but also contribute to the evolution of the financial markets through the Twenty First Century.

In 2015 and 2016, Fordham formalized the ROSE Program as a for-credit course in their curriculum. The focus of the 2016 ROSE Program was the Bank for International Settlement's December 2015 consultative document proposing a preliminary framework for identifying, assessing and addressing step-in risk potentially embedded in banks' relationships with shadow banking entities.  Five teams of graduate and undergraduate students in economics, finance, accounting, management, and law researched and drafted comment letters on the consultation and submitted their letters to a panel of distinguished industry judges.  After reviewing each excellent submission, the judges then one winning letter to be presented at a visit to the Federal Reserve Bank on April 27, 2016. The winning team's letter was submitted in full to the BIS, along with a summary of the key ideas from the letters from each of the other four teams, and the submission was published on the organization's website with those of the consultation's other commenters.   All five teams of Fordham Scholars visited Washington, DC on April 27, 2016 and met with officials at the Fed, Treasury Department, and FINRA.  

Institutional Securities Lenders respond to Academic Criticisms

In 2006 the Center was created, initially for the purpose of testing academic criticisms of the securities lending markets. With funding and data support from the Risk Management Association, CSFME found “no strong evidence to conclude that securities lending programs have been used to any great extent to manipulate proxy votes or exercise undue influence on Corporate Governance issues.” Our study also found that “broker borrowbacks” had contributed to spikes in lending activity around record date – the same phenomenon that the academics had misinterpreted as evidence of hedge fund manipulation – due to the efforts of brokers to meet recall notices from securities lenders. In effect, the brokers were scrambling to acquire votes for their customers, not building positions to swing corporate elections. The academics had fatally misinterpreted their findings!

Ed Blount of CSFME testified at the SEC’s Roundtable on the results of the research in September, 2009. Then, the CSFME white paper, published in 2010, was submitted to the SEC as an attachment in response to a consultative document on the “Proxy Plumbing” process. As a result of the Center’s contribution to the collaborative process, the misguided call for reform of securities lending began to subside. Once again, securities borrowers were fairly recognized to be honest brokers in the corporate governance arena.

Securities Lenders consider new means to retain their Voting Rights

In a follow-up to the Empty Voting project (“Borrowed Proxy Abuse” as it came to be known), the CSFME responded in 2011 to requests by the participating securities lenders, by turning its attention to ways in which those lenders might be able to retain their corporate governance rights, while still benefiting from the income attributable to their securities loans. After all, as many studies have found, securities lending contributes significantly to the efficiency of market operations. Why should lenders be forced to choose between their loan fees and fiduciary duties to vote their shares, especially if they are contributing to market efficiency?? With independent funding, the CSFME retained attorneys from two prestigious Washington D.C. law firms, Stradley Ronon and Sidley Austin, to investigate the legal underpinnings to market practices which force pensions, mutual funds, insurers and other institutional securities lenders to give up their voting rights when they lend portfolio securities. In practice, margin customers of brokers also lend their securities, yet they usually retain voting rights -- and most of them aren’t even long-term beneficial owners. Both groups of beneficial owners retain dividend rights, so why, institutional investors asked, shouldn’t institutions also keep their voting rights? With the benefit of exhaustive legal research, CSFME filed a petition with the Securities & Exchange Commission to initiate a pilot program to test new market procedures by which recently-introduced efficiencies in market operations might permit lender to retain votes.  Learn more about Paradoxical Erosion of Corporate Governance

In 2013, the SEC approved that pilot program, largely in response to the encouraging recommendations of the International Corporate Governance Association, as well as the California State Teachers Retirement System and the Florida State Board of Administration.

That pilot was initiated in 2014. Simultaneously, the CSFME began to apply the results to new initiatives in Canada and Switzerland, where the pressure to meet fiduciary voting obligations was intensifying.  More about Full Entitlement Voting
