SEC Expects its Cross-Border Swaps Regulations to "Level the Playing Field"

On February 10, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved final rules intended to ensure that both U.S. and foreign dealers are subject to U.S. regulation when they engage in security-based swap dealing activity in the United States. The new rules require non-U.S. companies that use personnel located in a U.S. branch or office to arrange, negotiate, or execute a security-based swap transaction in connection with its dealing activity to include that transaction in determining whether it is required to register as a security-based swap dealer. The rules should sweep more non-U.S. security-based swap dealers into the SEC’s regulatory ambit, thereby subjecting more of the global business to consistent registration and regulatory requirements.  

Monday, February 29, 2016/Author: David Schwartz J.D. CPA/Number of views (6480)/Comments (0)/