Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Beyond Basel. Can We Do Better than Basel III?

Author: David Schwartz J.D. CPA
Basel III introduces a leverage ratio and raises the minimum risk-weighted capital ratios, but it does so using highly arcane formulas, suggesting more insight and accuracy than can possibly be achieved. Where the markets assess, demand and adjust intrinsic risk weights on a daily basis, regulators using Basel look backwards and never catch up.

Even as countries strive to meet the quickly approaching Basel III deadlines, some fairly influential voices in regulatory policy are wondering aloud if the latest Basel guidelines are up to the task.   Thomas M. Hoenig, director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, in a September 14, 2012 address before the American Banker Regulatory Symposium, raised his concerns that Basel III is based on faulty assumptions and processes, and introduces unworkable complications into an already complex system.  Hoenig proposes an alternative, a "back to basics" approach he feels would be more easily monitored and enforced, and represent a better measure of a firm's ability to withstand financial adversity.

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