Beyond Benchmarking: The Race to Predictive Analytics in Securities Finance

10C-1 public data can reveal Watch Lists, but vendor data can predict market leverage and fees

When, on October 13, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission released its long-awaited final 10c-1 rule on reporting and public disclosure of securities loans, the most important passage, at least to the commercial data vendors who support the securities finance community, stated that, "the final rule could render existing securities lending data services less valuable, potentially leading to less revenue for the firms currently compiling and distributing these data for a fee." But is that true? Are bonuses and careers really at risk?? As shown in the table below, there is hope for vendors because the public data release will either omit or delay several data elements that are crucial to many important vendor applications today.

Friday, October 27, 2023/Author: Ed Blount/Number of views (1295)/Comments (0)/